May 21, 2023

Welcome & Announcements –  Annette Chamberlain

Prelude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

“Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”, with “O Breath of Life”, arr. by Cindy Berry

Call to Worship – Annette Chamberlain

+ Praise & Worship

# 618 – I’ve Got Peace like a River

# 631 – Fill My Cup, Lord

# 629 – Through It All

+ Responsive Reading [Bulletin insert] – Dave Berry

                             Matthew 16:13-20

Special Music

Scripture & Message –  Pastor Bill Kohler

“The church will prevail”

                        1 Peter 3:18

+ Closing Hymn

# 624 – Since Jesus Came into My Heart

+ Benediction – Pastor Bill Kohler

 Postlude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

    “How Great Thou Art”, arr. by Tiffany Hobson