May 14, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day

Welcome & Announcements – Dawn Kohler

Prelude – Michael Salmirs, pianist

“God, Give Us Christian Homes”, arr. by Cindy Berry

Call to Worship – Dawn Kohler

+ Praise & Worship

# 374 – The Longer I Serve Him

# 384 – The Servant Song

# 377 – I Will Serve Thee

+ Responsive Reading [Bulletin insert] – Dave Berry

                     Ruth 1: 4-10, 14-18

Choral Anthem – FBCO Choir

    “Pray for the People”, words & music by Pepper Choplin

Scripture & Message –  Pastor Bill Kohler

“Transition, young lady to Mother”

                               Proverbs 31:30

+ Closing Hymn

# 378 – I Am Resolved

+ Benediction – Pastor Bill Kohler

 Postlude – Michael Salmirs, pianist

Mazurka in B flat major, Op.7, No.1, by F. Chopin