June 4, 2023

Welcome & Announcements –  Daisy Fritz

Prelude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

    “Be Still, My Soul”, arr. by Cindy Berry

Call to Worship –  Daisy Fritz

+ Praise & Worship

# 434 – I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

# 603 – When We All Get to Heaven

# 599 – Soon and Very Soon

+ Responsive Reading [Bulletin insert] – Dave Berry

                    Matt. 16: 21-24

 Doxology – # 668

 Choral Anthem – FBCO Choir

    “As We Gather at Your Table”, words by Carl P. Daw, Jr., music by Lloyd Larson

Celebration of Communion

Scripture & Message –  Pastor Bill Kohler

                     “Evading Responsibility”

                             I Timothy 3:15-16

+ Closing Hymn

# 440 – Here I Am, Lord

+ Benediction – Pastor Bill Kohler

 Postlude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

     “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”, arr. by Victor Labenske