July 7, 2024

Welcome & Announcements  – Rodger Fritz

Prelude – Benjamin Coddington, pianist

“America, The Beautiful”

Samuel A. Ward, arr. by Cindy Berry

Call to Worship – Rodger Fritz

+ Praise & Worship

# 642 – God of Our Fathers

# 643 – Eternal Father, Strong to Save

# 430 – If My People Will Pray

+ Responsive Reading [Bulletin insert] – David Berry

           II Chronicles 7:11-20

Communion Hymn

# 399 – Let Us Break Bread Together

Celebration of Communion

Message – Pastor Bill Kohler

                “Lest We Forget”

+ Closing Hymn

# 644 – Star Spangled Banner

+ Benediction – Pastor Bill Kohler

Postlude – Benjamin Coddington, pianist

“America” (My Country ’tis of Thee)

Traditional, arr. by Cindy Berry