July 30, 2023

Welcome & Announcements – Pastor Bill

Prelude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

    “My Jesus, I Love Thee”

    music by Adoniram Gordon, arr. by Victor Labenske

Call to Worship – Pastor Bill

+ Praise & Worship

# 445 – Yes, Lord, Yes (2X)

# 453 – Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

# 450 – Precious Lord, Take My Hand

+ Responsive Reading [Bulletin insert] – Dave Berry

               2nd Kings 6:9-23

Special Music – Doug Murray, baritone

    “Rock of Ages”

     words by Augustus M. Toplady, music by Thomas Hastings

Message –  Pastor Bill Kohler

        “Master, what shall we do?”

+ Closing Hymn

# 440 – Here I Am, Lord

+ Benediction – Pastor Bill Kohler

 Postlude – Minjeong Kim, pianist

    “Sarabande” from Suite in D Minor

     music by G. F. Handel